leondevereda_ Desire in all forms—raw, intense, dripping with pleasure. Cm, fck, bodies colliding. Saliva, leather gripping skin, underwear teasing what’s underneath. A whisper of d!rty talk, a moan. The build-up, the release. I love pushing limits, feeling every sensation deep. Let’s turn up the heat.
Alexxx_D We are Sasha, Dima and Igor. Dima is blond, and Sasha has dark hair, Igor is wearing a hat. Sasha and Dima have been in a relationship for almost 6 years. Dima loves to play, and Sasha is fond of music, Igor loves to raise animals.
ttimyxboy no tengo limites ni restricciones, complacerte es para mi mi sastifaccion. I have no limits or restrictions, pleasing you is my satisfaction.